Families Building Communities
The AVANCE Families Building Communities (FBC) program is designed to develop community leaders. It is well documented that leadership training engages adults and drives greater commitment to improving their own communities. It instills a sense of pride and accomplishment, with results generally visible. Research shows that this is especially true for the Hispanic community.
Our newly updated FBC curriculum uses a framework based on Breath of Life, an emerging theory that children’s safety and well-being can be improved when relational worldview principles are balanced within the context and culture of community (Blackstock 2011). The new FBC curriculum focuses on individual capacity for success as well as evaluating leadership as a process with others as a community.
Parents and Caregivers
Personal Development
15 Hours
Values Clarification
Goal Setting
Conflict Management
Communication Skills
Navigating your Emotions
25 Hours
Parents Citizenship and Civic Responsibilities
Rights & Educational Responsibilities
Parliamentary Procedures
Leadership Development and Styles
Community Organizing and Networking
Time/Project Management
Planning Strategies
Problem-Solving Skills
Demonstration of Government at Work
PEEP and the Big Wide World
While supporting adults to be leaders in their communities, it is important to ensure that their own families and children are given the tools to grow and engage with adults in as positive a manner as possible.
The Early Childhood component uses a PEEP and the Big Wide World curriculum designed to foster a love for science. Children learn through experiments and hands-on activities and build scientific vocabulary at a developmentally appropriate level for three and four-year old children.
The PEEP science curriculum, which is taught in an enriched environment that celebrates curiosity and the joy of discovery, invites preschoolers to actively investigate their world by exploring water, sound, plants, color, shadows, and ramps through hands-on experiments designed especially for young children to explore and learn.
PEEP and the Big Wide World material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation.