The Cruz-Rogel Family

The Cruz-Rogel Family

Lorena and Daniel Cruz-Rogel came to the United States in 2010 while Lorena was expecting their first child. The difficult journey took a physical and mental toll on the couple, and Lorena gave birth to their baby as they crossed the border. Despite their difficulties, the family settled in Houston. However, the lingering stress of the journey caused problems for Lorena and her role as a new mother. She began isolating herself and felt herself slipping into a depression. Daniel was constantly concerned for the welfare of his wife and daughter.

Their situation improved when the family discovered AVANCE in 2011. Lorena enrolled in PCEP and found the comfort and guidance she needed. Her perspective and outlook slowly shifted, and she began moving forward again. She made new friends and learned that she was not alone in learning to adapt to being a new parent.

After seeing PCEPā€™s impact on his family, Daniel enrolled in the Fatherhood program. To his surprise, he found support and encouragement and benefited from various workshops. Daniel vividly recalls in one workshop, the instructor challenged the class, ā€œDare to do something different.ā€ Those words resonated with Daniel, and not long after, he and Lorena started their own business, improving their economic stability. The couple imports Mexican arts and handicrafts to ten different states. Lorena oversees the finances and management of contracts, while Daniel handles the logistics and transportation of their products. Lorena also recently started a second business doing face painting.

The couple also participated in ESL classes and completed Healthy Marriage workshops. Today, Lorena and Daniel have four children, who all participated in AVANCEā€™s Early Childhood Education programs and are excelling in school. In addition to owning two successful businesses, the couple has become homeowners, and they credit AVANCE for helping them to achieve these milestones.

With their family thriving, Lorena and Daniel are now working hard to improve their English language skills, and they aspire to continue expanding their business.

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