

The RĆ­os Family

June 25, 2024

Irma RĆ­os had reluctantly settled into being a housewife after moving to the United States when a friend asked if she would be interested in taking parenting classes and gave her the phone number to AVANCE.

The Rodriguez Family

June 25, 2024

Gael and Cristina Rodriguez married in 2014, and that same year, Cristina enrolled in the AVANCE Early Head Start (EHS) program while pregnant. That would be the start of the Rodriguez familyā€™s journey with AVANCE.

Thelma Garza

June 25, 2024

In 2022, Thelma Garza was picking up her children from school when an AVANCE teacher approached her with information about PCEP. Her youngest child was only three then, so she decided to try the program.

The Garibay Family

June 25, 2024

In 2009, Leticia Garibay attended a Womenā€™s Day event to hear a well-known author speak. At the event, an AVANCE representative said something that resonated so strongly that Leticia immediately registered for PCEP.

The Garza Family

May 28, 2024

Irene Garza began her journey with AVANCE in 2022 when she was 37 and her youngest son was two. She enrolled in PCEP expecting to improve her parenting skills but found so much more.

Jacquelyn Perez

May 21, 2024

At 19, Jacquelyn Perez became a mother after dropping out of high school and leaving home. A friend invited her to attend PCEP, and Jacquelyn, already familiar with AVANCE, didnā€™t hesitate.

Gudelia Reyes

May 14, 2024

As a first-time mother with a young daughter, Gudelia felt disoriented and doubted her parenting skills. Then, AVANCE representatives knocked on her door with information about PCEP.

The Cortez Family

May 7, 2024

When Janet and Herbert Cortezā€™s young son Emanuel was diagnosed with a speech delay, his speech therapist suggested PCEP and referred the family to AVANCE. Janet called immediately.

The Escobar Family

April 30, 2024

In 2016, Azalia Escobar attended a class she found online, but she could tell immediately that it wasnā€™t what she was looking for. She spoke with the teacher, who directed her to AVANCE and PCEP.