AVANCE to Present at Two-Generation Symposium in Puerto Rico

AVANCE is pleased to announce that Chief Executive Officer Dr. Teresa Granillo and Chief Operating Officer Sonia Dominguez have been invited to speak at a symposium hosted by the Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud (IDJ) in Puerto Rico. Gathering officials from public, private, and nonprofit organizations that serve low-income families, this first symposium, Modelos bigeneracionales y la movilidad econĆ³mica de las familias en P.R. (Two-generation models and the economic mobility of families in Puerto Rico), will be held Friday, April 21, 2023, at the Popular Center in San Juan.

At the symposium, Dr. Granillo and Mrs. Dominguez will present on AVANCE, its unique two-generation approach, and how its innovative, culturally-responsive programming creates pathways to economic mobility for Latino families with young children. Additional panels will include: The promise of two-generation models: From science and life experience; 2Gen models in practice; Opportunities for two-generation models in government agencies; and Financing two-generation models.

ā€œWe are honored and thrilled to be invited to participate in this symposium,ā€ said Dr. Granillo. ā€œAVANCE has been at the forefront of culturally-responsive, two-generation programming for 50 years, and having a seat at the table for these conversations not only allows us to share our decades of experience and expertise, but to gain insight and learn from other Latino-serving organizations whose work aligns with our mission.ā€

ā€œTwo-generation models are a paradigm shift in service delivery to end multigenerational cycles of poverty,ā€ said Dr. MarĆ­a Enchautegui RomĆ”n, director of the Puerto Rico Economic Mobility Lab at the Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud. ā€œThe IDJ invites everyone working in this space to this first symposium on two-generation models in Puerto Rico to expand knowledge, expand collaboration networks, and learn about public policy initiatives and financing opportunities. We have several experts on the subject who will provide various perspectives on two-generation models with the communityā€™s voice as the leading experts.ā€

Sharing the stage at the symposium will be several other leaders in two-generation models, including: Dr. MarĆ­a E. Enchautegui RomĆ”n from the Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud; Marcos Santana-AndĆŗjar, President of the Red por los Derechos de la NiƱez y la Juventud; BĆ”rbara Rivera Executive Director of Vimenti; Dr. Anayra TĆŗa LĆ³pez, CEO of Proyecto Nacer; Roberto Carlos PagĆ”n, Administrator of  the AdministraciĆ³n para el Cuidado y Desarrollo Integral de la NiƱez; and Andrea Irizarry, Director of the Oficina para la IntegraciĆ³n de la Familia y la Comunidad – Departamento de EducaciĆ³n.

About the Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud (IDJ) The Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud (IDJ) is the only organization in Puerto Rico dedicated to advocating for public policies ā€”at the federal and local levelsā€” that strengthen the economic security of families with children and youth. In addition, it is the main source of research and data on the living conditions of children and youth in Puerto Rico. The IDJ uses data, research, and the voices of those affected as the basis of advocacy efforts, public policy analysis, technical assistance, and impact evaluation. Learn more at www.juventudpr.org.

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