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Early Head Start
Se brindan servicios de aprendizaje temprano, salud y bienestar familiar para bebés y niños pequeños elegibles según sus ingresos, desde las 6 semanas hasta los tres años en centros de desarrollo infantil autorizados. Los servicios a las madres embarazadas y sus familias, incluido el apoyo prenatal y el seguimiento, se brindan en el hogar de la familia a través de visitas domiciliarias semanales.
Head Start
Se brindan servicios integrales de aprendizaje temprano, salud y bienestar familiar a niños de 3 a 5 años que cumplen con los requisitos de ingresos en centros de desarrollo infantil autorizados. Los servicios basados en el centro se brindan todo el día, todo el año, de lunes a viernes.
Programa de Educación para Padres e Hijos (PCEP)
PCEP es el programa fundamental central de AVANCE que enseña a los padres cómo convertirse en el primer maestro de sus hijos. Las familias inscritas en AVANCE Head Start/Early Head Start son elegibles para participar en el plan de estudios para padres que incluye actividades apropiadas para el desarrollo que se basan en la instrucción en el hogar. Haga click aquí para saber mas sobre PCEP.
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Centro de Ubicaciones
708 Delmar St
Zapata, TX 78076
307 Lincoln Ave
San Ygnacio, TX 78067
500 Delmar St
Zapata, TX 78076
805 Mira Flores Ave
Zapata, TX 78076
Lo que la gente dice de nosotros
“My name is Connie Garcilazo, I am a parent at Dora O. Martinez Early Childhood Center and at Villarreal ISD. When my son started with AVANCE he was doing virtual and he would enjoy spending those minutes sharing with his friends. Then I found out I was pregnant and the AVANCE team encouraged me to join the maternal program. I began the program when I was 25 weeks, I would get together with the maternal educator once a week for home visit and once a month for socialization. Then after giving birth I was able to bond with my child for the first six weeks, and the maternal educator informed me that my child could start attending the center. I was hesitant, but she showed me a video of the classroom setting and routines they have in place. I am very happy and satisfied with the program, they have assisted me in caring for and educating my children while I continue working and providing for my family.”
Connie Garcilazo
AVANCE Parent,
HS/EHS-Zapata County
“My name is Celia Carbajal, I was a parent at Dora O. Martinez Early Childhood Center. My child transitioned to the Head Start program and now I’m a parent at Villarreal ISD. I am also a Parent Council member with AVANCE. I am super happy with the program because it has helped my little girl so much. The EHS program has taught her to be so independent, learn her numbers, colors, songs and much more. The HS program was able to organize a transition day for my child and myself to go in the classroom and meet the teacher. This transition really helped me feel comfortable, and I was able to get a tour of the new environment for my little girl. AVANCE helps the families and worries for them as well.”
Celia Carbajal
AVANCE Parent,
HS/EHS-Zapata County