AVANCE + Head Start + Early Head Start = 28 años de éxito

In 1964, the US government, driven by new research on the impact of poverty, particularly on education, tasked an expert panel with developing a program to support the development of disadvantaged preschool children. What emerged was the Head Start program, initially launched in 1965 as a summer catch-up program to improve school readiness. A year … Leer más

AVANCE presentará en el Simposio de Dos Generaciones en Puerto Rico

AVANCE is pleased to announce that Chief Executive Officer Dr. Teresa Granillo and Chief Operating Officer Sonia Dominguez have been invited to speak at a symposium hosted by the Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud (IDJ) in Puerto Rico. Gathering officials from public, private, and nonprofit organizations that serve low-income families, this first symposium, Modelos … Leer más

AVANCE comparte recurso de Educación Fiscal para Proveedores de Cuidado Infantil familiar en Texas

It’s tax season once again, and there are only a few days left before the April 18 deadline. Tax season can be stressful and confusing for home child care providers. AVANCE has teamed up with the Texas Workforce Commission and Civitas Strategies Early Start to release an informational tax filing video. The video will help … Leer más

CEO de AVANCE, Dra. Teresa Granillo, se une al Newsweek Expert Forum

Dr. Teresa Granillo, CEO of the nationally-recognized, Texas-based nonprofit organization AVANCE, has been accepted to the Newsweek Expert Forum, an invitation-only community of well-respected senior executives, speakers, authors, and academics from various industries, including business, social issues, environment, economics, government, education, health, sciences, and more. The forum provides members a supportive community for sharing expertise … Leer más

AVANCE PCEP : Evolución e innovación durante 50 años

Introduction In 1973, Dr. Gloria Rodriguez founded AVANCE to serve Latino families in San Antonio, Texas. When services began on the city’s west side, Dr. Rodriguez and her small team were using a model being piloted in Dallas at the time called the AVANCE Neighborhood Intervention Program, which included a Mother-Infant Program and a Tutor … Leer más

New Profit invierte en AVANCE para avanzar en la equidad y oportunidad

New Profit, the nonprofit venture philanthropy fund headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, has selected Texas-based AVANCE to join its portfolio of organizations. The announcement comes as New Profit nears its 25th anniversary and is expanding its efforts to advance equity and opportunity in America by supporting innovative organizations with the potential for systemic social impact. New … Leer más

AVANCE Toy Making: The Power of Play

AVANCE Toy Making: The Power of Play Since the inception of AVANCE, toy making has been a critical component of the Parent-Child Education Program (PCEP). During toy making lessons, parents learn how to create educational toys from household items that promote play and learning in the home. Upon completion of each toy, instructors give parents … Leer más

Ven a ver a AVANCE en SXSW EDU

Latino Two-Generation Ecosystem of Opportunity Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 11:30 a.m. CTHilton Austin Downtown, Salon J500 E 4th St Austin, TX 78701 AVANCE CEO Dr. Teresa Granillo will lead a session at the 2023 SXSW EDU Conference and Festival, discussing the Latino Two-Generation Ecosystem of Opportunity. The presentation, featured on the Community Initiatives track, will … Leer más

Cada Historia tiene un Comienzo

Every story has a beginning In 1972, two graduate students working under Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner piloted a Mother-Infant Program in a Latino community on the south side of Dallas, Texas. Impressed by the program, Mr. William Zale, then president Emeritus of the Zale Corporation, provided seed funding to replicate the program in San Antonio. In … Leer más

UnidosUS y AVANCE abordan el Aprendizaje en dos Idiomas

UnidosUS and AVANCE Address Dual Language Learning Together with AVANCE, UnidosUS conducted focus groups with Latino parents to discuss early dual language development. Unfortunately, the 2022 data demonstrate that Latino families continue to experience a lack of understanding within ECE systems, with their children bearing the brunt of continuing misinformation. UnidosUS found that educators and … Leer más