The DeHoyos Family

Elizabeth DeHoyos had her first child when she was 18. At the time, she didn’t know how to be a parent and hadn’t thought much about her future. She was living at Cassiano Homes, a public housing complex on San Antonio’s West Side, when AVANCE knocked on her door. At first, she didn’t answer. When they returned, she told them she would attend but didn’t. They kept coming back until she finally agreed to let them provide her transportation to the AVANCE center, where she immediately felt a sense of belonging.

Entering PCEP, Elizabeth had no goals and very little social support. However, she deeply desired to provide her three-month-old daughter Emily with a better life than she had experienced. Through PCEP, Elizabeth learned about parenting, early childhood development, and the importance of praising her children and letting them know they are loved. She also received unwavering support from the program staff, who recognized her potential and pushed her to grow.
Inspired by her experience, Elizabeth pursued an Associate’s in Child Development and eventually secured a position at AVANCE. She began her journey as an Early Childhood Educator at the Carmen P. Cortez Center before transitioning to the AVANCE Early Head Start program. She later returned to school and earned her Bachelor’s degree.

The program’s impact also extended beyond Elizabeth’s personal growth. Her daughter Emily, who had picked up so much from PCEP, entered Head Start well-prepared and continued to thrive academically and socially throughout her school years. Drawing on her social and leadership skills, Emily excelled as a patrol captain, volleyball captain, and student council president. She was also active in softball, track, and the National Honor Society. Shortly after graduating from high school among the top five in her class, Emily left home to attend the University of Texas at Austin. After earning her Human Dimensions of Organizations Bachelor’s Degree, she returned to San Antonio. Now 26 years old, Emily is self-reliant and building a successful career in account management. Elizabeth could not be prouder of her daughter’s accomplishments and independence.